A modern day learning approach to ancient Jewish traditions

Welcome to Wilderness Torah’s school of live, online courses!

Explore key aspects of Jewish tradition that have been forgotten. Transform your understanding of Judaism into a living tradition, one that is deeply rooted in a connection to the earth and community. We believe that our rich heritage can be a source for connection and healing. From 90-minute sessions on the Jewish holidays, to six-week classes on deepening your earth-based Jewish practices, these courses offer a new, flexible pathway for anyone to reconnect with Judaism in a way that is relevant to your life.

Scroll down to see what courses we have in store this year.

Judaism & the Four Elements with Rabbi Zelig Golden
4-Part Series

Thursdays from 4-5:30 pm PT | April 4, 11, 18 & May 2, 2024

Earth, air, fire and water make the foundation of our world. Jewish tradition contains treasure troves elucidating our relationship to the elements as building blocks of Creation, aspects of our human nature, and personified portals of God. We explore this treasure trove to more deeply understand, embody, and ritually relate to the elements of Creation, and ultimately ourselves. 

This class is for any adult interested in deepening their relationship to the four elements through Hebrew cosmology. We will learn from ancient texts, including the Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, and Kabbalistic texts in original Hebrew and translation. Open to all levels of learning and language proficiency. 

Week 1: We are Earthlings

Adam (earthling), Adamah (earth). We are earthlings. We learn to remember the source of our sacred powers.

Week 2: The Breath of Life

Ruach is the wind, ruach is spirit. This breath of Creation animates us in the present moment and communicates secrets of the universe. We learn to connect with this eternal medium. 

Week 3: Fire Portal to Divine

Fire is the original altar, a portal to the Divine, the center of sacred path. Fire awakens within. We learn to reclaim the deeper experience fire provides. 

Week 4: Water is Life

We are born from water and made mostly of water. Water cleanses and transforms us. Come remember why we must honor and dance for water. 

Course Fees:

Wilderness Torah offers a sliding scale with three price options for this course (listed below). If you can afford to pay more, your contribution will support the viability of these programs and make them financially accessible for other people. Read more about Wilderness Torah’s sliding scale guidelines here.

  • $180 (lower-income rate)
  • $270 (medium-income rate)
  • $360 (higher-income rate)

Medicine of the Jewish Holidays

Cultivating wholeness in sacred cycles

The Hebrew calendar is a profound cultural operating system. Guided by the cycles of the moon and attuned to the sun and its seasons, the calendar provides a mythic map for Jewish life that deeply connects us to the natural world and the cycles of our lives. The Jewish holidays, taken together, are a veritable medicine chest for the soul and for cohesive community life. Join Rabbi Zelig for an ongoing series throughout the year, to discover how the Hebrew calendar guides our individual and collective journey toward wholeness.

You may register for one class at a time or for the full year cycle. Click the button below to learn more about the details and pricing.

Introduction to Earth-Based Mysticism with Rabbi Zelig Golden & Guest Teachers
6-Part series

Coming this Fall

Meet Your Teacher

Rabbi Zelig Golden, Wilderness Torah Director of Spirituality and Education

Rabbi Zelig Golden expresses his vision for awakening earth-based Judaism by integrating thought leadership, ritual facilitation, and village-based mentorship to support multi-generational community, youth rites of passage, and training for emerging leaders. Zelig earned a Masters in Jewish Studies from the Graduate Theological Union, rabbinic ordination from ALEPH supported by the Wexner Fellowship, and Maggidic ordination by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi ztz”l. He lives with his wife Rachel and three kids in rural Occidental, CA near the Bay Area.