24ย Elulย | Week 4 : The Four Names of Rosh Hashanah

In this weekโ€™s lesson,ย we dive into the meaning of the Jewish New Year by exploringย the four names of Rosh Hashanah:ย Yomย Teruahย โ€“ the day of sounding,ย Yom Hazikaron โ€“ย the day of remembering,ย Yom Harat Olamย โ€“ the birthday of creation, andย Yom Hadin โ€“ย the day of judgement.ย What do they all mean and how do they inspire us to embrace this special time of year?ย  Watch this weekโ€™s video to findย out.

Weekly Teshuvah Exercise
Slow down, get quiet, reflect, and meditate.

  • What do you hear the call for, personally?
  • What do you need to remember right now?
  • Why are you here, and what are you ready to conceive of in this time?