Rabbi Zelig’s Teachings
Tazria: Healing in the Wilderness
by Maggid Zelig Golden 29 Adar II 5776 | April 8, 2016 Below, listen to Maggid Zelig Golden's entire drash (teaching) on his recent experience in Israel and how time spent in the wilderness can [...]
Drawing on the Light Within
by Maggid Zelig Golden 29 Kislev 5776 | December 11, 2015 Below, listen to Maggid Zelig Golden's entire drash (teaching) on finding light in the darkest of times, recorded December 11, 2015, at the Kabbalat [...]
Embrace the Rainbow: A Call to Peace and Love in a Broken World
by Maggid Zelig Golden 3 Cheshvan 5776 | October 16, 2015 In Noah, last week's parsha (Torah portion), the flood destroys a corrupt world. When the waters subside Noah sends out a raven and then [...]
Elul: Preparing for the Choice of Life
by Maggid Zelig Golden 29 Av 5775 | August 14, 2015 In the twenty-nine days leading to Rosh Hashanah, we are invited to fully listen to the welcomed blessings, as well as the darkness in [...]
Hakhel: Sukkot Tribe Gathering for Next Seven Years
by Maggid Zelig Golden 25 Elul 5775 | September 8, 2015 In just five days shofars will sound 100 times all around the world, calling in the New Year with that primal sound that wakes [...]
Righteous Rebellion
by Maggid Zelig Golden 6 Tamuz 5775 | June 23, 2015 In the wake of darkness in Charleston and as we remember the brilliant lights at the recent passing of Rabbi Bonna Devorah Haberman ztz"l [...]
Shavuot: Festival of First Fruits
Shavuot: Festival of First Fruits by Maggid Zelig Golden 29 Iyyar 5775 | May 18, 2015 Chag Sameach Shavuot โ Happy Festival of Weeks! Today we are nearing the finale of counting the omer [...]
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