Rabbi Zelig Teachings2024-01-23T11:50:15-08:00

Rabbi Zelig’s Teachings

804, 2019

Parshat Shmini: Aaronโ€™s silence, a lesson to be heard

Parshat Shmini: Aaronโ€™s silence, a lesson to be heard Adar II 22, 5779 | March 29, 2019 Listen to Zelig Golden's Dvar Torah (teaching) from Kabbalat Shabbat, recorded March 29, 2019 at Urban Adamah, Berkeley, [...]

2602, 2019

Tu Bโ€™shvat 5779 – Celebrating Our Tallest Teachers: New Buds, Running of the Sap, Songs of Freedom

Tu B'shvat: Celebrating Teachers: Roots, Branches, Seeds, and Fruits A Teaching for Tu Bโ€™shvat 5779 Zelig Golden Tu Bโ€™shvat coincides with parsha Beโ€™shallah, the Torah portion that describes the parting of the Red Sea. In [...]

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