Rabbi Zelig’s Teachings
God Fills the Entire World: Parsha Pekudei
Zelig Golden 2 Ayar 5768 | May 7, 2008 In parsha Pekudei, the Torah sums up the intricate details of Godโs instructions for building the Mishkan, the tabernacle or temporary sanctuary that our people would [...]
Hearing Godโs Word: Parsha Tetsavveh & Ti Kissa
by Zelig Golden 9 Adar 5768 | February 15, 2008 In this weekโs parsha Tetsavveh, Moses stands alone on the Holy Mount Sinai โ for forty days and forty nights โ downloading from God the [...]
The Faith of Moses: Parsha Be-Shallah
Zelig Golden | 11 Sh'vat 5768 | January 18, 2008 In this weekโs parsha Be-Shallah, we celebrate Shabbat Shira โ the Sabbath of Song โ named for the song Moses sang to the children of [...]
The Plagues of Exodus – Call To Transformation: Parsha Va-Era
by Zelig Golden 26 Tevet 5768 | January 4, 2008 In this weekโs parsha Va-Era, Moses becomes the emissary of G-d in fomenting the Exodus from Egypt with the first seven natural disasters โ blood, [...]
From Darkness to Light, Reconnecting To our Food: Parsha Va-Yechi
by Zelig Golden 12 Tevet 5768 | December 21, 2007 In Va-Yechi, our creation story culminates with Jacob on his deathbed blessing his sons. (Gen. 49.) He highlights characteristics that are unique to each of [...]
Josephโs Path โ Bringing Light from the Darkness: Parsha Mikeitz
by Zelig Golden 27 Kislev 5768 | December 7, 2007 In Mikeitz, our Torah parsha for the week, Pharaoh of Egypt has a dream: seven healthy, robust cows ascend from the Nile, followed by seven [...]
Jacobโs Ladder, Jacobโs Roots: Parsha Va-Yetseh
by Zelig Golden 6 Kislev 5768 | November 16, 2007 Jacob left Beer-sheba, and set out for Haran. He came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night, for the sun had set. [...]
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