
Wilderness Torah Teachings

1409, 2021

Slowing Down: Feeling, Feeding, and Flourishing

Slowing Down: Feeling, Feeding, and Flourishing A sermon by Rachel Ruach Golden, Rosh Hashana 5782 Rachel Ruach Golden explores these questions: What is the relationship to our societal illness of consumption and the [...]

1409, 2021

Climate Change Resilience: Return from Exile

A sermon delivered by Rabbi Zelig Golden on Rosh Hashanah 5782 Excerpt: "In the face of catastrophic climate change, humanity as a whole faces its greatest existential challenge. To survive this present threat, [...]

1309, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Week 5: Shmita: The Ultimate Jewish Resiliency

4 Tishrei | Week 5 : Shmita: The Ultimate Jewish Resiliency With this new Jewish year of 5782, we enter into shmita. Commonly translated as the sabbatical year, shmita literally means “release.” It is the final year of the [...]

509, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Week 4 : The Four Names of Rosh Hashanah

24 Elul | Week 4 : The Four Names of Rosh Hashanah In this week’s lesson, we dive into the meaning of the Jewish New Year by exploring the four names of Rosh Hashanah: Yom Teruah – the day of [...]

3008, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Week 3: Awakening to the Sound of the Shofar

18 Elul | Week 3 : Awakening to the Sound of the Shofar Now is your opportunity to wake up! In this week’s lesson, we explore the meaning of the shofar, one of our most ancient [...]

1208, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Week 1: Regenerative Judaism

1 Elul | Week 1 : Regenerative Judaism: Embracing the Cycle of Teshuvah Teshuvah is Hebrew for “return.” Teshuvah is the spiritual work of “returning” with ourselves, other people, the natural world, and Spirit. Teshuvah is our call for the rains. [...]

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