
Wilderness Torah Teachings

3009, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Final Week: What Does It Mean to be Human?

In this final edition of our Weekly Teshuvah Torah series, we celebrate the completion of the Cycle ofย Teshuvah, the 50-day spiritual journey fromย Elulย through Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. We reflect on our [...]

2909, 2021

Untangling Vowsโ€“Moving from a Heart Place Towards Justice

A sermon by Acasia Wilson & David Feinberg on Yom Kippur 5782 Dave and Acasia, Wilderness Torah's justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) consultants, share a personal and professional exploration of return to [...]

2709, 2021

Teshuvah Torah Week 6 โ€“ Sukkot: Honoring the In-Gathering, Praying for Rain

21ย Tishreiย | Week 6 โ€“ Sukkot: Honoring the In-Gathering, Praying for Rain Why is Sukkot one of the most important holidays? After Yom Kippur, when weโ€™ve completed our spiritual cleansing, we now head outside [...]

1409, 2021

Slowing Down: Feeling, Feeding, and Flourishing

Slowing Down: Feeling, Feeding, and Flourishing A sermon by Rachel Ruach Golden, Rosh Hashana 5782 Rachel Ruach Golden explores these questions: What is the relationship to our societal illness of consumption and the [...]

1409, 2021

Climate Change Resilience: Return from Exile

A sermon delivered by Rabbi Zelig Golden on Rosh Hashanah 5782 Excerpt: "In the face of catastrophic climate change, humanity as a whole faces its greatest existential challenge. To survive this present threat, [...]

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