
Wilderness Torah Teachings

502, 2014

Raising Wise Humans

Raising Wise Humans Learning from the Garden of Eden by Sarai Shapiro, Wilderness Torah Youth Programs Director 5 Adar I 5774 | February 5, 2014 How have you truly learned, grown, and gained wisdom [...]

312, 2013

Rededicating Our Sacred Fire

Rededicating Our Sacred Fire by Maggid Zelig Golden30 Kislev 5774 | December 3, 2013Hanukkah, which means โ€œrededication,โ€ commemorates the Maccabee armyโ€™s military victory against the Syrian empire, which had nearly defeated the Jews and [...]

911, 2013

Rowanโ€™s Encounter with God

Rowanโ€™s Encounter with God by Rowan Gould-Bayba, Bโ€™naiture 2011โ€“13 graduate 6 Kislev 5774 | November 9, 2013 This drash (teaching) starts with a cold dark night. I had just turned 13, and [...]

1710, 2013

Abrahamโ€™s Oaks: Portal to the Divine

Abrahamโ€™s Oaks: Portal to the Divine by Maggid Zelig Golden 13 Cheshvan 5774 | October 17, 2013 Jon Young offered a stirring perspective during his address at Sukkot on the Farm this [...]

2109, 2013

Jon Young Conversation with Zelig Golden & Rachel Ruach

Jon Young Conversation with Zelig Golden & Rachel Ruch by Jon Young, Zelig Golden, Rachel Ruch & Sukkot on the Farm Community 17 Tishrei 5774 | September 21, 2013 [...]

1709, 2013

Honoring the Waters: A Critical Sukkot Tikkun

Honoring the Waters: A Critical Sukkot Tikkun by Maggid Zelig Golden 13 Tishrei 5774 | September 17, 2013 We have passed through the gates of Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kippur. For each [...]

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