Wilderness Torah’s Strategic Plan

Creating a More Resilient World

Welcome to Wilderness Torah’s New Strategic Plan.

Check out the plan and let us know what excites you!

Wilderness Torah’s strategic plan gives me great hope. The Jewish community and humanity face daunting challenges but we also have a deep reservoir of tools, techniques, and wisdom to draw upon in meeting those challenges. Wilderness Torah has a strong track record and is poised to engage tens of thousands of Jews in relevant, inclusive Jewish practice and community that builds resilience and a strong Jewish future. UpStart has been a supporter of Wilderness Torah for the past fifteen years. We are excited to see them go from strength to strength.ย 

โ€“Aliza Mazor, Chief Field-Building Officer, UpStart

Our Mission

Wilderness Torah promotes healing, belonging, and resilience. We awaken and celebrate earth-based Jewish traditions through inclusive and intergenerational village-building.

Our Vision

A vibrant, resilient world, where humanity remembers how to care for each other and our precious earth.

Strategic Priorities

Core Values & Competencies

We Are Building a Village

We thrive by supporting each other to heal, find our gifts, and serve in community. Youth are mentored to discover their truth; adults are initiated to steward that which is greater than themselves; and elders are honored for their life experience and earned wisdom.

The village becomes a context for collaborative leadership, mutuality, celebration, and radical inclusivity.

In Wilderness Torahโ€™s Village, we learn to live on earth informed by deeply rooted Jewish tradition while seeking and integrating the revelations needed for today.

The Center for Earth-Based Judaism

In collaboration with URJ Camp Newman, Wilderness Torah is realizing its founding vision of launching the Center for Earth-Based Judaism. Together we will build the Center as a Bay Area hub and national training ground for regenerative Jewish culture, climate change resiliency, and inclusive community.

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