A Purim Teaching from Rabbinical Student Becca Heisler

Purim comes on the full moon of [...]

By |2025-03-12T14:08:30-07:00March 11, 2025|Earth-based Judaism, From The Community, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Tradition, Teachings, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on A Purim Teaching from Rabbinical Student Becca Heisler

Tu Bโ€™Shvat: Be Like the Tree by Rabbi Zelig Golden

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDrZqcE4D-8 In the midst of [...]

By |2025-02-10T22:51:16-08:00February 10, 2025|Earth-based Judaism, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Tradition, Light in the Dark, Rabbi Zelig, Teachings, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Tu Bโ€™Shvat: Be Like the Tree by Rabbi Zelig Golden

Finding Light in the Dark with Maggid Joshua Reitzenstein

One of the first instructions God gives to the [...]

By |2024-12-23T20:02:53-08:00December 16, 2024|Channukah, Earth-based Judaism, From The Community, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Light in the Dark, Teachings, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Finding Light in the Dark with Maggid Joshua Reitzenstein

The Whole Bundle: An Ecospiritual Perspective on the Four Species

An essay by Zelig Golden Read the full essay [...]

By |2023-09-14T13:40:35-07:00September 14, 2023|Earth-based Judaism, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Rabbi Zelig, Sukkot, Teachings, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on The Whole Bundle: An Ecospiritual Perspective on the Four Species

We Rise to Resilience: A Sermon by Rabbi Zelig Golden

Tishrei 1 | Erev Rosh Hashanah 5783ย  [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:42:55-08:00October 2, 2022|Earth-based Judaism, High Holidays Sermons, Jewish Holidays, Rabbi Zelig, Rosh Hashanah, shmita, Teachings, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on We Rise to Resilience: A Sermon by Rabbi Zelig Golden

Teshuvah Torah Final Week: What Does It Mean to be Human?

In this final edition of our Weekly Teshuvah [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:42:56-08:00September 30, 2021|Earth-based Judaism, Embodiment, Hebrew Calendar, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Tradition, Rabbi Zelig, Sukkot, Teachings, Teshuvah, Wilderness, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Teshuvah Torah Final Week: What Does It Mean to be Human?

Teshuvah Torah Week 6 โ€“ Sukkot: Honoring the In-Gathering, Praying for Rain

21ย Tishreiย | Week 6 โ€“ Sukkot: Honoring the In-Gathering, [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:42:56-08:00September 27, 2021|Earth-based Judaism, Hebrew Calendar, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Tradition, Rabbi Zelig, Sukkot, Teachings, Teshuvah, Wilderness, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Teshuvah Torah Week 6 โ€“ Sukkot: Honoring the In-Gathering, Praying for Rain

Climate Change Resilience: Return from Exile

A sermon delivered by Rabbi Zelig Golden on [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:42:56-08:00September 14, 2021|Climate Change, Earth-based Judaism, High Holidays Sermons, Jewish education, Jewish Holidays, Rabbi Zelig, Rosh Hashanah, Teachings, Torah Commentary, Wilderness, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Climate Change Resilience: Return from Exile
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