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So far admin has created 50 blog entries.

Reawakening the Indigenous Roots of Our Bโ€™nai Mitzvah Rite of Passage

by Maggid Zelig Golden & Sarai Shapiro 20 Sivan 5773 [...]

By |2024-03-29T10:02:26-07:00May 29, 2013|Jewish education, Rabbi Zelig, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Reawakening the Indigenous Roots of Our Bโ€™nai Mitzvah Rite of Passage

A Passover return to the desert reawakens ancient memory

A Passover return to the desert reawakens ancient memory Originally [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:45:27-08:00March 15, 2012|Earth-based Judaism, Jewish Holidays, Rabbi Zelig, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on A Passover return to the desert reawakens ancient memory

Jonahโ€™s Vision Quest โ€“ Teshuva at Yom Kippur

Zelig Golden | 8th of Tishrei 5771 | September 16, [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:45:28-08:00September 16, 2010|Earth-based Judaism, Hebrew Calendar, Jewish Holidays, Rabbi Zelig, Teachings, Torah Commentary|Comments Off on Jonahโ€™s Vision Quest โ€“ Teshuva at Yom Kippur

Journey to Our Land, Journey to Ourselves: Parsha Maseโ€™ei

Zelig Golden | 25 Tamuz 5769 | July 17, 2009 [...]

By |2023-01-30T05:45:28-08:00July 17, 2009|Earth-based Judaism, Rabbi Zelig, Teachings, Torah Commentary, Wilderness Torah|Comments Off on Journey to Our Land, Journey to Ourselves: Parsha Maseโ€™ei
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